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H.G. Temple Elementary

School Profile

H.G. Temple Elementary School houses students in Kindergarten through Third Grade. Our Kindergarten students are shared by eight teachers and two of those classes are implementing a dual language two-way program following the Gomez-Gomez model. We have seven first grade teachers, two of which are teaching two-way dual language. Eight teachers take care of our second graders and one of those teaches one-way dual language. Third grade is taught by eight teachers and one is implementing a one-way dual language program.

We are fortunate to have three instructional specialists who assist with reading and math. Our enrichment group also includes a counselor, a physical education teacher, a music teacher, and a librarian. Instructional leadership is provided by a principal and an assistant principal.

Temple Elementary is eager to serve the needs of our students!

Our daily routine at H.G. Temple Elementary begins with announcements and the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag, the Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas Flag, and the Temple Elementary School Pledge.

Our pledge goes like this:

Today I will act in such a way that I will be proud of myself and others will be proud of me, too! I came to school to learn and I will learn! I choose to have a good day!